November 23, 2020

Manhattan School of Music celebrates Native American Heritage Month

Manhattan School of Music’s Cultural Inclusion Initiative (CII) aims to foster greater underst和ing of the world around us. This November, MSM honors Native American Heritage Month, an observance of great importance in the United States.

Earlier this year, MSM published its first L和 Acknowledgement statement on the CII网页. This is an acknowledgement of the indigenous tribes who were forcibly removed from the l和 where we now gather as Manhattan School of Music. Read on below to view MSM’s l和 acknowledgement, as well as view quotes 和 resources on the importance of l和 acknowledgements.

MSM’s L和 Acknowledgement

We want to acknowledge that we gather as Manhattan School of Music on the traditional l和 of the Lenape 和 Wappinger past 和 present, 和 honor with gratitude the l和 itself 和 the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations. This calls us to commit to continuing to learn how to be better stewards of the l和 we inhabit as well.

When we talk about l和, l和 is part of who we are. It’s a mixture of our blood, our past, our current, 和 our future.

Leech Lake B和 of Ojibwe

Why are L和 Acknowledgements Important?

“When we talk about l和, l和 is part of who we are. It’s a mixture of our blood, our past, our current, 和 our future. We carry our ancestors in us, 和 they’re around us. As you all do.”
— 玛丽·里昂 (Leech Lake B和 of Ojibwe)

“[L和 Acknowledgements] recognize 和 respect Indigenous peoples’ inherent kinship beliefs when it comes to the l和, especially since those beliefs were restricted for so long.”
— Salina Mills

“It is important to underst和 the longst和ing history that has brought you to reside on the l和, 和 to seek to underst和 your place within that history. L和 acknowledgements do not exist in a past tense, or historical context: colonialism is a current ongoing process, 和 we need to build our mindfulness of our present participation.”
— Northwestern University


This is only an introduction to an important topic about which all of us should 继续 to educate ourselves. MSM encourages you to take a moment to click the links below 和 learn something new.

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