
Meet MSM’s 2023–24 Resident Assistants

These student leaders play an important role in MSM residence life, assisting other students at MSM.

Resident Life Assistants — known more familiarly as RAs — are MSM students who are hired 和 trained by staff members of MSM’s 居住生活 office in 学生事务, overseen by Director of 居住生活 4月詹金斯.

RAs are essential to the mission of 居住生活 at MSM 和 help build a warm, 欢迎, 和 supportive environment for all resident students. They have a wide variety of responsibilities that include being a peer leader, 程序员, 政策的执行者, 社区建设者, 和 advisor to students who live in Andersen Hall.

Any student at MSM can 应用 to become an RA at the end of their freshman year.

Get to know this year’s RAs.

Find out where they’re from, what they’re studying, 和 their favorite off-campus spots.

  • Saverio Alfieri (he/him)

    年: 一年级研究生
    主要: 管弦乐队的指挥
    家乡: 米兰,意大利
    有趣的事实: I can cook true Italian pasta!
    Favorite Off-校园 Location: 罗斯福岛

  • Selin Algöz (she/her)

    年: 一年级研究生
    主要: 古典小提琴
    国内: 火鸡
    Favorite Off-校园 Location:

  • Meaghan Almon (she/her)

    年: 高级
    主要: 音乐剧
    家乡: 东格林布什,纽约州
    有趣的事实: My creative outlets outside of theatre are baking/cake decorating 和 building elaborate s和castles!
    Favorite Off-校园 Location:
    Tom’s Diner – I have wonderful memories of so many of my family 和 friends going there with me over the past three years.

  • Samara Bowden (she/her)

    年: 二年级研究生
    主要: 经典的声音
    家乡: 佛罗里达州迈阿密,
    有趣的事实: Back when I was an undergraduate student at Oakwood University, I pursued my love for cooking by running a small business selling takeout plates.
    Favorite Off-校园 Location:
    Sitting on the benches at West Harlem Piers, watching the sunset

“My favorite thing I brought with me is a stack of cards from my family 和 friends, so I can put them on my door 和 remind myself of all the people that I love.”

  • Marcus Cruz-Santiago (he/him)

    年: 初级
    主要: 音乐剧
    家乡: Sabana Gr和e, Puerto Rico
    有趣的事实: I have lived in 28 different places!
    Favorite Off-校园 Location: Conservatory Gardens of 中央公园

  • Kellin Hanas (she/her)

    年: 高级
    主要: 爵士小号
    家乡: 惠顿,
    有趣的事实: I worked at McDonald’s for just a short five days, 和 I think I deserve a world record for that.
    Favorite Off-校园 Location:

  • Kianna Kelly-Futch (she/her)

    年: 高级
    主要: 音乐剧
    家乡: 华盛顿特区.C.
    有趣的事实: 我喜欢猎豹纹! I even accessorized my car back home 和 named it “The Cheetah Mobile.”
    Favorite Off-校园 Location:
    兹酒吧 & 休息室

  • Eduardo Gutterres (he/him)

    年: 一年级直接存储器存取
    主要: 古典吉他
    家乡: 阿雷格里港,巴西
    有趣的事实: I’m addicted to popcorn.
    Favorite Off-校园 Location: 河滨公园 Soccer Fields

“My record player is my favorite thing I brought with me to school because it fills my room with the nostalgic warmth of vinyl music 和 helps create a cozy 和 inviting atmosphere.”

  • Ben McLaughlin (he/him)

    年: 高级
    主要: Classical Bass Trombone
    家乡: 西威尔福德,新泽西
    有趣的事实: I’m a mountain climber, 和 I love backpacking.
    Favorite Off-校园 Location:

  • Emilia Pavlovska (she/her)

    年: 初级
    主要: 音乐剧
    家乡: Jelgava、拉脱维亚
    有趣的事实: I learned most of my English skills by excessively watching Disney Channel as a kid. 它工作!
    Favorite Off-校园 Location:
    Kuro Kuma, especially on a warm morning when it’s not hot out yet 和 you can enjoy your coffee outside at one of their cute tables. Also, the pastries are divine.

  • Ja'hlil Pembleton (he/him)

    年: 初级
    主要: 经典的声音
    家乡: 费城,宾夕法尼亚州
    有趣的事实: 我能像艾蒙一样说话.
    Favorite Off-校园 Location:

  • Themba Pieterse (he/him)

    年: 初级
    主要: 经典的小号
    家乡: 奥尔巴尼,纽约
    有趣的事实: I love trains 和 want to speed run ride every subway in NYC in one day!
    Favorite Off-校园 Location:
    I love Dumbo, Brooklyn. It has great food 和 a great park where you can see all of lower Manhattan – the pictures are amazing!

“The most meaningful thing I brought with me are two h和-made crochet bunnies that my aunt made for me – she gifted them to me in Korea in 2018, 和 they have been with me ever since.”

  • Lauren Seery (she/her)

    年: 高级
    主要: Classical Double Bass
    家乡: 纽约Bethpage
    有趣的事实: I love to read about psychology 和 sociology.
    Favorite Off-校园 Location: 河滨公园

  • Grace Verbic (she/her)

    年: 二年级研究生
    主要: 经典的声音
    家乡: 迪卡尔布,
    有趣的事实: I love peanut butter on my grilled cheese, 和 I have double-jointed elbows.
    Favorite Off-校园 Location:

  • Mikkel Vuust (he/him)

    年: 初级
    主要: 爵士乐鼓
    家乡: 丹麦奥尔胡斯
    有趣的事实: I used to be a skateboarder.
    Favorite Off-校园 Location:
    DROM in the East Village

  • 王颖(她/她)

    年: 高级
    主要: 经典的声音
    家乡: 深圳,中国
    有趣的事实: I’m a good listener 和 lover of life stories.
    Favorite Off-校园 Location:
    The Expat, a place where my friends 和 I have so much fun 和 memories together

  • 珍妮·易(她/她)

    年: 二年级研究生
    主要: 经典的作文
    家乡: 玛丽埃塔
    有趣的事实:I can crack my knuckles by simply clenching my fist.

  • 周悠悠(她/她)

    年: 初级
    主要: 音乐剧
    家乡: 广州,中国



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