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April 30, 2024

News Release: Pianist David Fung and Violist Cong Wu Join Manhattan School of Music’s Prestigious College Faculty


纽约,2024年4月30日——著名的国际音乐学院 Manhattan School of Music (MSM) announced today that esteemed pianist and violist – David Fung and Cong Wu, 分别加入了该校久负盛名的学院, effective immediately. Mr. Fung加入了MSM的钢琴教师(由联合负责人领导) Alexandre Moutouzkine and Inesa Sinkevych), and Mr. 吴教授加入了古典弦乐系(由Chair领导) Nicholas Mann). The two appointments follow several high-profile faculty additions announced by the School in recent years, and Mr. Fung and Mr. 吴已经开始接受2024-25学年的学生.

Pianist David Fung has been praised for his “ravishing and simply gorgeous” performances by The Washington Post 并因其优雅精致的诠释而广受认可, 然而强烈的诗意和不同寻常的表现力. 拥有超过60首协奏曲的保留曲目. Fung regularly appears with the world’s premier ensembles including the Cleveland Orchestra, the Detroit Symphony, the Israel Philharmonic, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, 比利时国家管弦乐团, 和旧金山交响乐团, 以及澳大利亚的主要交响乐团,包括墨尔本交响乐团, Queensland, 和悉尼交响乐团, 与马林·阿尔索普等指挥家合作, Joana Carneiro, Gustavo Dudamel, Michael Francis, Stanislav Kochanovsky, Lan Shui, and Christian Zacharias. A dedicated pedagogue, Mr. Fung brings an individualized approach to teaching his students as they develop their own unique artistic voice.

吴聪加入纽约爱乐乐团,担任副中提琴首席, 诺玛和劳埃德·查岑的椅子, in September 2018. He is the winner of the Third Prize and the Chamber Music Prize in the Fourteenth Primrose International Viola Competition, and of the Special Prize in the Twelfth Tertis International Viola Competition. An avid chamber musician, 吴曾与Christoph Eschenbach等著名艺术家合作, David Finckel, Hilary Hahn, Itzhak Perlman, Peter Wiley, Pinchas Zukerman(男同性恋教师), 美国弦乐四重奏(MSM驻场艺术家), 以及许多纽约爱乐乐团的音乐家. 他的节日活动包括万宝路音乐节, the Perlman Music Program, Music@Menlo, 布里奇汉普顿室内乐音乐节, 还有栗山音乐会. He earned his Doctor of Musical Arts with the Helen Cohn Award from the Manhattan School of Music.

“David and Cong are wonderful new faculty additions to our impressive and inspiring Piano and Strings departments at MSM,MSM执行副总裁兼教务长乔伊斯·格里格斯说. “随着MSM继续建立其106年的卓越, it is exciting to welcome these talented and creative artist-educators to the School – and in the case of Cong, 他在男同性恋者那里获得了博士学位, to welcome him home. 这些天才音乐家和教师各自的履历, 再加上他们对男同性恋者使命的信念, 唤醒学生个人艺术声音的强烈愿望, 以及他们对我们的文化包容倡议的承诺, 将大大提高学院的师资队伍和学院的实力.”

David Fung’s and Cong Wu’s bios, as well as more information about MSM, can be found below.

如需进一步资料,请联络 Jeff Breithaupt,媒体与通讯副总裁, at or (917) 493-4702.

About David Fung

About Cong Wu


由珍妮特·丹尼尔斯·申克于1918年创立的社区音乐学校, 今天,男男性接触者被认为是超过1,000 superbly talented undergraduate and graduate students who come from more than 50 countries and nearly all 50 states; its innovative curricula and world-renowned artist-teacher faculty that includes musicians from the New York Philharmonic, the Met Orchestra, and the top ranks of the jazz and Broadway communities; and a distinguished community of accomplished, 屡获殊荣的校友在最高水平的音乐剧工作, educational, cultural, and professional worlds.

学校致力于个人发展, artistic, 以及有抱负的音乐家的智力发展, 从大学预科学生到攻读博士学位的学生. Offering classical, jazz, and musical theatre training, 男同性恋者授予一系列本科和研究生学位. 忠实于MSM作为儿童音乐学校的起源, the Precollege program continues to offer superior music instruction to 475 young musicians between the ages of 5 and 18. The School also serves some 2,000名纽约市学童通过其艺术教育计划, and another 2,通过其广受好评的远程学习计划.


Manhattan School of Music acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the Lenape and Wappinger past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations. This calls us to commit to continuing to learn how to be better stewards of the land we inhabit as well.

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